Coding + STEM
Our unique group classes balance screen time with hands-on activities and opportunities to create and explore a variety of activities including 3D printing, Makerspace and basic robotics in addition to our signature coding curriculum. We like to think of it as a STEM wonderland!
Our program provides many opportunities for children to interact with friends or make new friends, all the while experiencing a 6 to 1 student to teacher ratio ensuring personalized attention when they need it. We’re on a mission to help kids develop creative thinking skills, confidence, and have fun with their peers while learning to love STEM!
We have four age groups and types of Coding and STEM classes:
Preschool - where they learn the basics of coding simple robots and have fun STEM adventures. These classes are six weeks long, offered 3 times a year and our only offering that is NOT membership based.
K-2nd grade - This class is similar to our older class but we spend more time on our “makerspace” activity and break up into three groups and rotate for smaller chunks of time and more focused instructor assistance at each activity. Please visit our Join Now page here for times and days and to register!
2-5th grade - This is our signature class that focuses on coding with opportunities to build with our VEX robots or Arduino, followed by 20-25 minutes of makerspace or STEM activities (like the magic of science, electrical circuits or digital photography). Please visit our Join Now page here for times and days and to register!
5-8th grade - Our middle school classes are a little different; these kids have the opportunity to join our VEX robotic team or take their coding to a new level. The class starts together with group builders and STEM projects but then breaks into robotics or coding. Each class has a different feel; email us for details to find the right fit for your child! Please visit our Join Now page here for times and days and to register!