Sign up below for our Optional Summer Camp After-Care!

Please look for your current camp week and click “register” for after-care

  • All camp after-care will run 3pm-5pm, Mon-Fri and $75 per week (we like to keep it simple!)

  • Campers will have brief snack time at 3:00 followed by outdoor time from 3:30-5pm.

  • Location:

    • Meridian High School after-care will be at the church playground that shares the parking lot.

    • Fairhaven after-care will start at our Coding Club and walk to Larrabee park or Fairhaven park on alternate days at 3:30pm

    • Burlington Edison after-care will be at the same location as the camp, West View Elementary School.

  • We hope to have at least 5 campers per week with a max of 12 campers.

  • For cancellation information, sibling discounts and other FAQs click here

  • If you have already registered and need to change anything or check your weeks, here is the link to the parent portal!

  • Please email us with any questions or concerns:


So many ways to PLAY and SAVE!

Your friend signs up!
Your friend lets us know that you referred them and you will be refunded $25 on your camp registration! Fine print:  Friends you refer cannot have previously attended any other BCRC program and friends need to list you as their referral when they register!

Like and Share us on Social Media! 
Send us a screenshot of you sharing us or liking us on your social media and we will refund $25 within one week!  One per child limit on the $25 (but not the love, we will take all the love we can get!)

Sibling Discounts! 
We know how it goes, we have three middle schoolers and it is no walk in the park, so you will receive 15% off the second child in your family and 25% off the third.  You have four children?  Good luck and God help you, the 4th is 50% off.  We should be paying you for getting dressed every day!